Basic Information About EQ
There are some things that are important to know about equipment before you start trying to get the right type of eq. These are basic things that allow you to know what those odd terms mean. Terms like HR and DR and -SS and AC and all that good stuff. Below here you will find what these differnt things mean when it comes to equipment.
Before I begin anything, I will guide you through what the different things mean when you identify a piece of equipment. You can identify a piece of equipment using the Identify Spell or by using a scroll. Below are different examples of what it looks like when you identify an item:
Example of the information you recieve when you identify a weapon:
Object: the Black Dagger of Reckoning [dagger reckoning]
Equipable Location(s): TAKE WIELD
Weight: 6 Value: 10000 Level Restriction: 27
The object appears to be in perfect pristine condition.
Days Left: Infinity
Damage Dice of 7d5
Throwable weapons contain an extra line that looks like this:
Example of the information you recieve when you identify armor:
Object: some spiked vambraces made of mithril [vambraces spiked mithril]
Equipable Location(s): TAKE ARMS
Weight: 5 Value: 10000 Level Restriction: 25
The object appears to be in excellent condition.
Days Left: 139
AC-apply of 6
Example of the information you recieve when you identify a staff:
Object: a green orb [orb sanctuary green]
Equipable Location(s): TAKE HOLD
Weight: 5 Value: 200
The object appears to be in perfect pristine condition.
Days Left: 185
AC-apply of 6
Level 13 spell of sanctuary.
Holds 4 charges and has 4 charges left.
Scrolls and potions are very similar to this, but instead of something like:
Holds 4 charges and has 4 charges left.
They say something like:
Level 20 spells of remove curse
As you can see, there is a great deal of information here. I'll take you through step by step and tell you what the different things mean.
Object -
This is where it tells the name of the object. In one case it is the Black Dagger of Recknoning. Inside the brackets are the key words which this object goes by. A "key word" is a word that the item is recognized by. IE if you go to take the item, wield the item, identify the item, etc.
Item Type -
This tells the type of item it is. In this case it is a weapon. The complete (hopefully) list of item types and their definitons is as follows:
- POTION - A potion in the game. This can be used at anytime by typing: quaff x. Where x is the key word of the potion you want to quaff.
- CONTAINER - Something you can keep things in. This is nice for organizing your equipment and making less clutter in your inventory.
- STAFF - A staff is charged with a spell. There are many different spells that a staff can be charged with. Some staffs affect a single person, while others affect everyone in the room. Most staves are used by holding the staff and typing: use x. Where staff is the name of the staff you wish to use.
- ARMOR - Generally something that is worn on the head, legs, arms, body, or about body position. Most pieces of armor have an AC-apply on them.
- WORN - Generally things that are worn on the fingers, wrists, neck, or waist are WORN items.
- LIGHT - Creates light for your character. If you are in a dark room, or it is night time on Medievia, you will not be able to see mobs, exit names, or room descriptions without a light. To use a light type: hold x. Where x is the name of the light you wish to hold. Some lights will burn out like lanterns. Most, however, are permanent.
- WAND - The same as a staff with a different name. Wands can only be used on single people. To use a wand, first you must hold the wand and then type: use x y. Where x is the name of the wand and y is the name of the person you wish to use the wand on.
- SCROLL - There are scrolls found in the game with spells charged into them. When recited, a scroll will release the spell from it. To use a scroll type: recite scroll. If it is a person specific scroll, type: recite scroll x. Where x is the name of the person you wish the spell to affect.
- FOOD - Until you reach the status of hero you must eat food. This food can be created using the Create Food spell (or a scroll charged with the spell), or the food may be purchased in a store.
- LIQUID CONTAINER - Pretty simple. It's a container that holds water. Water can be put into a container in one of two ways. One, the Create Water spell. Two, at a fountain. If you are in a room and you see: "A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water," or something very similar then you can type: fill x fountain. Where x is the name of the liquid container you have.
- TRASH - Means that the item is a piece of trash. Do not let this fool you though, the great Dragon Crystal is considered trash.
- KEY - A key is used to unlock doors, whether they be to a clanhall, or to some place that was unaccessable before.
Effects -
These are different effects that an item can have. These effects are usually called flags. In one case the item has the GLOW, HUM, EVIL, INVISIBLE, ANTI-GOOD, ANTI-NEUTRAL, SMITE-GOOD, NO-DONATE, NO-SACRIFICE. The complete list of flags and their definitions is as follows:
- GLOW - The item is "charged" with "smite power". This increases the damage dice of the item.
- HUM - The item has a hum to it. It does not affect the item that I know of.
- BLESS - This means absolutely nothing. It does not affect the item in any way.
- CURSED - If the item is in your inventory, it cannot be dropped unless the curse is removed, (by way of scroll or the remove curse spell) or it is put in a bag and dropped. If you are wearing a cursed item you will not be able to remove that item unless the curse is first removed.
- MAGIC - Simply means that the item is a magical item.
- INVISIBLE - The item is invisible. It cannot be seen unless the person looking has detect invisibility. This does not affect any items except a weapon. If a weapon is invisible, it is harder to disarm.
- EVIL - The item is an evil item. If an item is evil, it usually means that a good aligned person cannot use it.
- GOOD - The item is a good item. If an item is good, it usually means that an evil aligned person cannot use it.
- ANTI-EVIL - The item cannot be used by evil aligned people.
- ANTI-GOOD - The item cannot be used by good aligned people.
- ANTI-NEUTRAL - You can guess what this means.
- SMITE-GOOD - If this weapon is used against a good aligned person or mob, it will begin to glow. When the item is glowing, the damage dice of the object goes up.
- SMITE-EVIL - Same as above, except the item is used against an evil aligned mob.
- NO-DONATE - The item cannot be donated. This is to prevent the owner from accidentally donating the item and sending it to the donation room. This can be changed by typing: ndon item. Where item is the item you wish to put the flag on.
- NO-SACRIFICE - Same as above except, it prevents from sacrificing the item on accident. This can be changed by typing :nsac item. Where item is the name of the item you wish to put the flag on.
- RETWEAK - The guide has yet to figure out just what this means. I would assume it means that the item was "reteaked" in some way, but I am not sure.
- ATTACK - This means that a certain effect or spell will randomly happen during combat. This can include spells like energy drain, hammer of faith, acid blast, and others. It can also include non-spell actions like tripping the person you are fighting.
- SLIPPERY - If you die, you will lose the item. The item will fall from your possession onto the ground upon your death.
- NO_RENT - If you log out of the game completely, when you come back, you will no longer have the item. This also includes "crashes" of the game. If the game has a problem and causes it to restart itself then you will lose this item.
- DONATION - The item was obtained by donating money to the wonderful game of Medievia. Some very nice pieces of equipment can only be obtained by donating to the game (with money, or with a published article in the MudSlinger). For more information on donating, type: help donate in the game.
Equipable Location(s) -
This tells you where on your body this piece of equipment can be put. There can be more that one place that the item may be put. By putting on your body, I mean, either wearing the item, holding the item, or wielding the item. The different equipable locations are as follows:
- *HIP
* - Donation equipment only
Weight -
Fairly self-explanatory. It is the weight of the object in stones. A stone is equal to about 4 lbs, but don't quote me on that because I cannot remember. If you know, please tell me. If I'm right, tell me that too. When you have something in your inventory, the weight of the object is added to your total weight. If the object is in a container, and you are wearing it, however, the object is not added to your total weight.
Value -
The approximate amount you would recieve if you sold this item in a store. Note that this is VERY approximate and it can be very close to actualy amount recieved, or way off. It also depends upon which store you go to sell an item at. Also note this will probably never be the same amount that this item could fetch on auction.
Level Restriction -
The minimum level you must be in order to use the item.
Condition of the Item -
The condition of the item can be expressed in words/color. To change this use the setitem command. Below is a list of the conditions in order from best to worst along with the color that corresponds to them:
- This object has been blessed by the Gods and seems indestructable.
- The object appears to be in perfect pristine condition.
- The object appears to be in excellent condition.
- The object appears to be in good condition.
- The object appears to be in fair condition.
- The object is in fair condition but has some scratches.
- The object clearly shows major signs of wear and tear.
- The object is visibly worn down with major wear.
- The life of this object is clearly coming to an end soon.
- The object looks as if it will fall apart any day now.
- The object is visibly crumbling and decaying....
Days Left -
Relatively new code to Medievia. It simply tells how many days the item has left before it dets. When an item "dets" it means that the item has began to crumble and the stats on the item also deteriorate. Many items go down to minimum tweek if they det. I found this out the hard way when I let my max tweek Kris go on me. You'll find out too, how much fun detting eq is. If the value of this is "Infinity," then the item will not deteriorate past it's current position.
AC-apply -
This is the amount of change this item will make to your armor class if it is worn. Your armor class (ac) is affected by a negative value (-100ac being the best, 100ac being the worst). So, if you have an item with an AC-apply (acap) of 9, then your ac would go down by 9. The only exception to this rule is on the BODY location. AC-apply is doubled on the body location. Example: black armor of the gorgon has an acap of 10. If it is worn in the BODY position, it will affect your ac by -20, if it is worn in the ABOUT position, it will affect your ac by -10.
Attributes -
This tells a couple of things. One, what classes cannot use this item. Two, if the item is a weapon, whether or not it is considered a dagger. The complete (I hope) list of attributes and their definitions are as follows:
- ANTI_MAGE - Cannot be used by someone currently in the mage class.
- ANTI_THIEF - Cannot be used by someone currently in the thief class.
- ANTI_WARRIOR - I think you get the picture.
- ANTI_CLERIC - Why am I even writing a definition for this one?
- DAGGER - Defines a weapon as a dagger. This doesn't mean much unless the weapon is also a weapon that can be used for back stabbing. A weapon cannot be a back stabber without a dagger flag, yet, a weapon can have a dagger flag, and not be a BSer. I don't know what's going on with that one.
- TWO_HANDED - If a weapon is two handed, it means that a shield cannot be used while you are wielding the weapon.
Damage Dice -
The Damage Dice is the amount of basic damage a weapon can do. In one case the damage dice is 7d5. This means that the game will find a number by taking a number between 1 and 5, 7 times, and then adding them together. In more simpler, AD&D terms, it means the game takes a 5 sided die, and rolls it seven times, then adds up the numbers for a total. That total is the amount of damage the weapon does in one hit. So, in the case of 7d5, it has a minimum damage of 7 and a maximum damage of 35. Damage dice can be affected by SMITE-GOOD/EVIL. In the case of the Black Dagger of Reckoning, it goes from 7d5 to 7d7 when it is hitting a good aligned mob or person.
Affects -
This is the main tweekable part of an item. "Tweek" is the different numbers that an item can have. For example you can have Devastator, the adamantite kris with a +5hr/+3dr tweek, or you could have one with a +4hr/+2dr tweek. It is a slightly restricted random number that the game picks when a reset of the item occurs. Each item can have a maximum of two affects. The different effects and their definitions are as follows:
- *AC - Affects your armor class.
- HR - Affects your hitroll.
- DR - Affects your damroll.
- STR - Affects your strength.
- WIS - Affects your wisdom.
- INT - Affects your intelligence.
- DEX -Affects your dexterity.
- CON - Affects your constitution.
- MV - Affects your movement points.
- HP - Affects your hitpoints.
- MANA - Affects your mana points.
- *SAVING_SPELL - Affects your saving_spell to reduce or avoid the effects of a casted spell.
- *SAVING_ROD - Affects your saving_rod throws against staves/wands.
- *SAVING_PETRIFY - Affects your saving_petrify throws against paralyzation or petrifying attacks
- *SAVING_BREATH - Affects you against breath weapons. (The guide does not know of any "breath weapons" but it agrees with the help files of Medievia any day)
* - Negative value is better.
Keep in mind that all of these values can be positive or negative, hence they can be good for you, or bad for you.
Charges -
Used for staves and scrolls, it tells what spell(s) is in a scroll, staff, wand, or potion, and also the level of the spell. A "charged" item has spells within the item that can be brought out by using the item. Many items have multiple charges, while some only have one. Scrolls and potions do not have charges but instead have a single spell that is activated upon use. For example: Level 13 spell of sanctuary.
Holds 4 charges and has 4 charges left. This simply means that the item has 4 charges of level 13 sanctuary in it.
Well now, after a gruelling five hours of work on this page, it is finally complete. However, it is also 4:07am. Whether this is a good trade-off, I cannot tell because my mind is not in the right state to be doing any kind of thinking at the moment.
If there are any errors to anything written here, please let me know by e-mailing me here: I would like this page to be accurate, it would not be very fair to the newbies if it wasn't. So please, help me make sure that everything listed here is actually true. I also don't want to forget anything, so also mail me if I've forgotten something.

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